الأحد، 20 مارس 2011

Ghost Whisperer


Melinda Gordon inherited her "gift" -- the ability to see and talk with the spirits of dead people -- from, and was coached it its use by her grandmother. Running an antique store in a small town, newly married to a paramedic, Melinda helps the ghosts wandering around who are trapped between worlds by helping them to resolve unfulfilled aspects of their former life.
Jennifer Love Hewitt Jennifer Love Hewitt ...
Melinda Gordon (107 episodes, 2005-2010)
David Conrad David Conrad ...
Jim Clancy (107 episodes, 2005-2010)
Camryn Manheim Camryn Manheim ...
Delia Banks (84 episodes, 2006-2010)
Christoph Sanders Christoph Sanders ...
Ned Banks (49 episodes, 2008-2010)
Jamie Kennedy Jamie Kennedy ...
Eli James (45 episodes, 2008-2010

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